eCommerce Copy - en-US:
Our 90-Degree Angle Clamp is built tough enough to clamp up to 250 lbs. of force. It is a must-have around the house for smaller corner-clamping projects like building a book shelf. Easily work on household projects by mounting this clamp directly to your
Feature & Benefit Value - en-US:
250 lbs. of Clamping Force
Feature & Benefit Value - en-US.1:
Includes 2 table clamps for easy mounting to work surfaces
Feature & Benefit Value - en-US.2:
Fixed 90-degree angle even with different material thicknesses
Feature & Benefit Value - en-US.3:
Master Height (Inches) US:
Master Length (Inches) US:
Master Weight (Pounds) US:
Master Width (Inches) US:
Pallet Height (Inches) US:
Pallet Length (Inches) US:
Pallet Material Status US:
Pallet Weight (Pounds) US:
Pallet Width (Inches) US: