APMX - Maximum Depth of Cut:
APMXE - Maximum Depth of Cut Feed Direction:
APMXS - Max Depth Feed Direction:
CEDC - Cutting Edge Count:
Cmax - Maximum Helical Interpolation Hole Diameter:
Cmin - Minimum Helical Interpolation Hole Diameter:
DC1 - Cutting Diameter 1:
DCTOLL - Lower Cutting Diameter Tolerance:
FCEDC - Face Cutting Edge Count:
GAMF - Radial Rake Angle:
GAMO - Orthogonal Rake Angle:
HAND - Cutting Direction:
KAPR - Cutting Edge Angle:
KAPRS - Tool Angle Feed Direction:
L - Theoretical Cutting Edge Length:
LE - Cutting Edge Effective Length:
LSCN - Clamping Length Minimum:
LVCatalogue - Catalog Length Value:
PCEDC - Pheripheral Cutting Edge Count:
RMPX - Maximum Ramping Angle:
TSCAT - Catalog Tool Shape:
WDX0 - Maximum Depth at 0 Deg:
WDX05 - Maximum Depth at 0.5 Degree:
WDX1 - Maximum Depth at 1 Deg:
WDX15 - Maximum Depth at 1.5 Deg:
WDX2 - Maximum Depth at 2 Deg:
WDX3 - Maximum Depth at 3 Deg:
ZEFP - Number of Effective Cutting Edges:
ZNP - Number of Peripheral Cutting Edges: