CA Prop 65 Label:
Warning: Chemicals known to the State of CA to cause cancer are present in this product.
Country of Origin remark:
Changes to manufacturing schedules may result in the indicated 'Country of Origin' not accurately reflecting the actual country of manufacture.
ISO_SEP_sensor embedded property:
ISO_WT_weight of item (Imperial):
ISO_WT_weight of item (Metric):
Material Price Group Product Description:
Spare Parts & Accessories
Material Price Group Product Family:
New Product Flag (CoroPak):
Product Category Description:
Product Family Description:
Product Subfamily Code (TSYC):
Product Subfamily ID (TSYC):
Unit System (1=metric, 2=inch):
Weight of Item (WT) Imperial:
Weight of Item (WT) Metric:
Manufactured By:
Sandvik Coromant